So you are coming to Tampa?

Well, all right! With much of the planning, assessment and application process behind you, it’s time to begin your journey in our town. And we want to walk with you every step of the way.

We want to help you research your target area and become as familiar with the culture as possible. One of the best ways we can do that is to try and make connections for you to people who can help you.

Do you have a mentor here? Are you interested in meeting regularly with other planters? Are you planning to worship initially with one of our local churches? What does your timeline look like? Have you started thinking about a public worship space? What kind of outreach will be most effective for your neighborhood? What does evangelism look like for you; for your team?

These things will all look certainly different for each one of you, especially if you are not from here. But even for guys who have lived here a while, we  hope we can be a friend and a resource for you as you seek to lead lost people into the Kingdom and into the fellowship of the local church.

Congratulations. Let’s get started.